2015 Collections, inspiration and surprise
Pure surprise.
Europe’s best bridal and ceremony wear stores have already fallen in love with Cleofe Finati by Archetipo 2015 Collections. They have seen a preview of the new ideas introduced for 2015.
Waiting for the official presentation of Cleofe Finati by Archetipo 2015 Collections, which will take place on Sunday May 25th at Sposaitalia, Milan, we want to share with you the inspired words of the customers themselves on the preview of the new collections…
“Cleofe Finati by Archetipo 2015 Collections: dynamics and movements of lines which emphasize the figure and lead in faraway worlds. Fun color combinations which extend the horizon and stimulate the fantasy. Fabrics which caress your skin and give human warmth. Unforgettable feelings which will leave a mark in your heart. The main protagonist is a group of friends, which is always achieving Excellence.”
Roberto e Fabrizio Gaggioli
Gaggioli Sposi
Viterbo (Italy) – www.gaggiolisposi.it – Tel. +39 0761 352901
“I have to admit that the 2015 collection is extremely exciting: complete, well-structured in terms of models and creativity. You can notice the continuous research concerning the shapes and the conmbinations, the unprecedented materials chosen… Unique in the last years in the field of men’s formal wear. You can feel the love and the passion for Beauty!”
Gilberto Dell’Acqua
Villa Cortese, Milano (Italy) – www.gilmoda.it – Tel. +39 0331 433334
“Cleofe Finati by Archetipo 2015 Collections: refined elegance, unique style, refined combinations following tradition. A collection complete, fresh and fashionable. The essence of the modern man.”
Fabio Galletti
Alberto Sposo
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy) – www.albertosposo.com – Tel. +39 035 798250
“The new collections offer a lot of beautiful models which we ordered in the first place! We appreciated all the collections, in particular the avant-garde fashion line which is amazing. The fabrics in brocade are very refined, truly fabulous. We are enthusiastic about the new season!”
Werner Schweiger, Lisa Klement, Heidi Ritzinger and Anasztasia Villara
Salzburg, Randegg, Graz e Wien (Austria) – www.steinecker.at – Tel. +43 (0) 7487 5000
“Cleofe Finati by Archetipo collections are so innovative, with beautiful fabrics proposed in colours sometimes soft and romantic, and sometimes assertive and dynamic. The 2015 Collections are really complete, every groom can find the total look that meets his needs. The most surprising thing is that every suit is a masterpiece on its own. We found ourselves astonished, Archetipo’s fashion designers are real genius! Cleofe Finati is without equal in the formal wear market.”
Carole e Giulio Cavallaro
Noces de Cristal
Nancy (France) – www.nocesdecristal.weebly.com – Tel. +33 (0)3 83 20 80 08
“Beside the very nice people, and overwhelming hospitality, the new collections were again above and beyond all our expectations! We really think it is going to be a great success and we are again surprised by all the new designs and shapes, along with the use of the most beautiful fabrics. But of course we knew it already… We also appreciated the new line of the collection, the suits devoted to the grooms’s fathers. This might also represent a great success.”
Hans Meeuwis
Black Tie
‘s-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands) – www.blacktie.nl
Tel. +31(0)736130131