Yellow that becomes gold. Yellow is the colour of summer but it is also the colour of a very elegant look if used carefully
Imagine yourself in men’s clothes in yellow fabric and also shirts and accessory details, yellow is certainly a daytime colour but it can also be dedicated to the evening if made in high quality fabrics. Along with black and blue, yellow remains the colour of the evening and in formal and elegant outfits it can never be missing. Yellow is now absolutely accepted also in men’s clothing. Cleofe Finati creates very elegant looks and total looks in 100% made in Italy combed fabrics where the absolute emphasis is on yellow, the yellow of the Cleofe Finati collections is used for a thousand proposals in its shades of cream yellow, grey yellow and optical yellow. Blue hues different from solid blue, from cornflower blue to blue with black inside or mixed blue on the edge. Yellow can be accessorized in a thousand different ways, the Cleofe Finati style office creates beautiful total looks
Go to the products Read moreBlue has been the most appreciated and chosen colour by men in the last eight years. Blue in the Cleofe Finati forge has an infinite range, from blue to the indigo, to china blue or cornflower blue to dusty blue, every shade is present. So you can choose your blue, for the elegant outfit no men’s fashion maison creates the elegance and quality of Cleofe Finati. If you choose blue you can create your Cleofe Finati total blue look or you can decide for a blue outfit customized with coloured accessories. Blue men’s suits call for shoes that should preferably be brown or black or matched with the hues of your outfit. Only when the whole look is blue then the shoe can be daring and become a jewel.
Showing 1–12 of 172 results
Blue men’s suit EURIPIDE
codice: 25.12506 b42 339 0292/30 -
Luxury blue tuxedo suit for men in classic ceremony SIDNEY POITIER
codice: 24.C12501-3 B85 FABRIC 169 C95U/02 -
LAURENCE OLIVIER blue classic ceremony men’s tuxedo suit
codice: 24.12501-3 BF14 FABRIC 339 A144/05 -
Blue Tuxedo Men’s Jacket EURIPIDE
codice: -
SIDNEY POITIER luxury blue tuxedo trousers for men
codice: -
LAURENCE OLIVIER men’s blue tuxedo trousers
codice: -
SIDNEY POITIER luxury blue tuxedo jacket for men
codice: -
LAURENCE OLIVIER blue tuxedo jacket for men
codice: -
codice: 25.10004 339 7046/8683 -
codice: 25.1218 B42 1309-32 -
Blue groom suit KIERKEGAARD
codice: 25.C10003-1 b85 171551-57 -
Blue man wedding suit J.R.R. TOLKIEN
codice: 24.1218 B42 1309-32
Blue has been the most appreciated and chosen colour by men in the last eight years. Blue in the Cleofe Finati forge has an infinite range, from blue to the indigo, to china blue or cornflower blue to dusty blue, every shade is present. So you can choose your blue, for the elegant outfit no men’s fashion maison creates the elegance and quality of Cleofe Finati. If you choose blue you can create your Cleofe Finati total blue look or you can decide for a blue outfit customized with coloured accessories. Blue men’s suits call for shoes that should preferably be brown or black or matched with the hues of your outfit. Only when the whole look is blue then the shoe can be daring and become a jewel.
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Anthony Fasano
2 August 2022Anthony Fasano
Watch the video to discover the experience of our testimonial Anthony Fasano
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7 February 2022
Dario e Francesca
Watch the video to discover the experience of our testimonial Francesca e Dario
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7 February 2022
Alvise Fachinetti
Watch the video to discover the experience of our testimonial Alvise Fachinetti
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