“(To) Beard or not (to) beard”
Everybody knows that each face has its own form and of course a style of beard that it perfectly suits!
As symbol of virility, the beard is nowadays not only a fashion trend, but also a key element to express your own style and to enhance the facial features according to its shapes, cause, just as for a suit, a pair of shoes or for sunglasses, there is not a kind of beard that perfectly fits for everyone and enhances in the same way every man.
Let’s see together the different forms of the face and the respective types of beard more suitable to them!
We start from the face, that we divide into different types: square, round, triangular and oval. Once you’ve understood which category you belong to, you can start to change the style and the shape of your beard by following some simple advices.
A square face is mostly characterized by a pronounced jaw and a pronounced chin, in this case it is important to round the face without beard on the sides of the jaw. So let your beard grow on the chin, with or without mustache, avoiding in this case a complete beard, that will only emphasize your square face.
Here the rule is to create angularity and squaring. A round face is among the most suitable for growing beard because, without it, you can give the impression of having a few extra weight. Here the advice to follow is to focus on the area around the mouth and chin, to create the effect of “long face”.
This face has the shape of an inverted triangle whose “tip” is represented by a long chin. In this case the advice is to let your beard grow in the area around the mouth, including mustache.
For those of you who have this kind of face I can only tell you, congratulations “lucky you”! Heheh… This is in fact the best kind of face ever, because you can choose any style of beard without any compromise, you’ll be spoiled for choice!
After all this advices, of course everyone is free to choose the type of beard he likes… that’s why I leave you with a few clicks of the models Cleofe Finati by Archetipo that show off different types and styles of beards. Which one you prefer?