When and how is the bow tie element dandy born? | # 55 MULTILINGUAL STYLE LESSON

When and how is the bow tie element dandy born? | # 55 MULTILINGUAL STYLE LESSON

When and how is the bow tie or bow tie element dandy born? | # 55 MULTILINGUAL STYLE LESSON

Together to discover unusual colors, a journey to discover how to combine for each outfit: elegant colors of jacket pants shirt accessories!

Quando e come nasce il papillon o farfallino elemento dandy ? | #55 LEZIONE DI STILE IN LINGUA

Insieme per scoprire colori inconsueti, un viaggio alla scoperta di come abbinare per ogni outfit: colori eleganti di giacca pantalone camicia accessori !

Wann und wie entsteht die Fliege oder das Fliegenelement Dandy? | # 55 3 sprachiges Stiltraining

Entdecken Sie gemeinsam ungewöhnliche Farben und entdecken Sie, wie Sie sie für jedes Outfit kombinieren können: elegante Farben für Jackenhosen, Hemdaccessoires!

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